Sunday, August 24, 2008

Some photos from the race

Remember when I said I would have race photos up soon? Well, here they are. These pictures are only the ones that my parents took. I think the race organizers took photos as well. I'll have those up soon too.

I think this is the first time I posted photos on this blog. Now you all get to see what I look like. I'm sure you were dying to know.

The start of the swim. Just me and 750 of my closest friends.

Coming out of the swim. I am the one in the black swimsuit (not the wetsuit) just barely out of the lake.

Still coming out of the swim. In case you still haven't found me in the black swimsuit yet, I am the one with HUGE tan lines on my legs.

Running from the lake to the transiton area.

Running to the finish (this is when I picked up my pace from a walk to an almost sprint)!

Still running to the finish (now I'm sprinting- well, as much as I can after 4 hours of exercise)!

FOOD! (Yes, I look like crap after 4 hours of exercise in the heat. I think everyone does!).

I think the race orgainzers are going to have a lot more photos from between the swim and the finish. My parents weren't at the race site the whole time, so those are the only oppertunities they had to take pictures. Sorry if it seems like there is a huge gap in this photo-story!

1 comment:

triblog carol said...

I think you look great after 4 hours of exercise! Great race report. Bummer you had to swim more than you needed to.