Saturday, August 23, 2008

Triathlon tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited I can't sit still!!!!!! A moment ago, I was jumping up and down all over the room!!!!!!! I can't wait until tomorrow. I can't wait until tomorrow, I can't wait until tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow is my first Olympic distance triathlon, in case you may not have realized (well obviously, now you do)!!!!!!!

I wasn't even thinking about this race a whole bunch between the time I registered for it and now- it was just something that was in the back of my mind. It didn't seem real that I was actually doing it. Now it seems as real as the skin on my face (Was that the dumbest simile you ever heard?!).

What knocked me into this shock of reality was the planning that I just now realized I have to do for tomorrow. Tonight, I was half- heartedly thinking “oh, there is a race tomorrow". Then I (again half-heartedly) realized "Oops. I have to prepare!” By the time I started thinking of concrete details, however, the reality began to sink in. I started asking myself questions such as: What time do I need to leave the house? (I have to leave at 6:00 A.M. to be at the race site by 8:00 A.M.) How far away is the race from where I live? (54 minutes according to MapQuest) Should I start packing my gear now? (Yes!).

I can't believe this is actually happening!!!!!!

As you may recall, I haven't done a triathlon- of any distance- since the beginning of May. Now it is time to see the benefits of an entire summer of training. I've been training 2 hours a day for 6 days a week. I also got a road bike and increased my longest swim/bike/run distances- all by pretty good amounts.

This summer has basically gotten me addicted to the sport. I'm now completely addicted to training, and the euphoric way that I feel afterwards. This sport feels like more than just a hobby to me now. I love to race, but participating in this sport is no longer all about the races for me. I would keep on training- even if I never was able to race again.

This summer has shown that I have really found something in life that I love to do. I love this sport and am ready to tear the course up tomorrow! Maybe (if I am really, really lucky…) I will finish second to last place tomorrow. That is a big if- and I honestly could care less how I place! I looked at the participant list for tomorrow and I was the only one listed in my age group competing in the Olympic distance triathlon. I will still get a trophy no matter how slow I go! Horry for automatic awards!

I am SO ready to see how much I have improved in this sport over the summer. This race is going to be the true test of that. I am going to do more exercise in a single day than I have ever done in my entire life. I have built up to biking 25 miles with a short run afterwards (about a 3 mile distance). I have also done some long runs (about 10 miles). I have never, however, rode my bike 25 miles and then ran 6. It should be quite the experience! I hope to finish strong!

Anyways, next time you hear from me, I will be writing a race report. I can't believe I am doing this!

Now, if you excuse me, this typing is WAY too much focus and sitting still for me right now. I shall return to jumping up and down and screaming loud, stupid songs.

I could really use a workout right now. A 2 hour swim, bike, or run sounds like heaven. The only problem is that I have to stay off my feet to keep myself fresh for tomorrow; however, I bet I won't be wishing for more workouts in the middle of that 6mile run tomorrow!

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