<---- Me in 2009 (though probably a lot slower!)
Running a marathon has always been a dream of mine. After looking at a book on running though called The Competitive Runner's Handbook I realized a way that this dream can become a reality for me.
I was browsing through the book reading all the advice about speed work, nutrition, etc. and came across a chapter on the marathon. The chapter also had a first timer's training plan for running the marathon. A different version of the schedule, which can be found online, is the schedule I am planning on using. The schedule starts at a base of 15 miles a week- which is the amount I have been running for the past 3 months! It builds very gradually to 35 miles a week, with 20 mile long runs. It builds so gradual that I would be strong enough at the end of the program to tackle those daunting long runs; yet, this program definitely has enough mileage to get me ready to run 26.2 come race day.
I haven't decided yet on the exact marathon I am going to run, but I know I want to do one by the end of the year.
Here is one that looks intresting:
Dec 2009- Florida’s Marathon
You may be asking yourself: Why on earth does this crazy girl want to run a marathon? Here are several reasons (bear with me, this may get long!):
1. It’s a great challenge.
2. I’ve always wanted to run one… ever since I was a wee young lad (ladette?).
3. It would keep me from getting lazy in the winter with my triathlon training and losing all my fitness. (I need a good motivation, because otherwise all I want to do in the winter is swim, swim, and swim some more in the heated pool).
4. I could finally call myself a runner.
5. Running would be a nice stress reliever from all the A.P. classes I am taking this year.
6. Being able to say “I did it!”
7. Being able to see what it would be like running that far.
8. I’d be in really great shape.
9. All the mileage would help me run faster (and maybe even swim and bike faster too!)
10. Being able to set a goal and stick to it.
11. Runner’s legs!
12. It would give variety to all the swim training I am doing this winter for swim season.
13. It sounds fun.
14. To prove I can do it.
15. Better now than never!
16. It would give me motivation during the dreary winter months, something to strive towards.
17. It would be an amazing life experience.
18. I would train through all the seasons to get ready for a marathon, and to keep my fitness up to a good level. I would run outside in spring, summer, fall, and winter- allowing me to experience more of nature.
19. Being able to call myself a marathoner.
20. Increased self-confidence for setting a goal and sticking to it.
21. It would prove me to be something other than the last one picked in gym.
22. The excitement of crossing the finish line.
23. As proof that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.
24. The cool T-Shirt and finisher’s medal.
25. The running would make me stronger mentally and physically.
26. Running is so relaxing and makes me feel so good.
27. I would really get to know myself through all those long runs (as if I don’t know myself already!).
28. It is a challenging goal, yet it is something I am capable of doing.
29. I would never be sitting at home bored. I would be outside running!
30. I would get lots of mental toughness for training in the winter months (i.e. getting outside in 20 degree weather, long treadmill runs when it is too icy outside, etc.).
31. Running is a great stress reliever. Any problems I have before running always seem to go away during a run.
32. Seeing if I can beat the infamous ‘wall”.
33. I want to do an Ironman triathlon and run ultras one day- this is a great first step!
34. It gives me something to look back on with pride my whole life.
35. It will change my life.
36. How would I know if I could finish a marathon if I have never tried?
37. Conquering all those voices in my head (No, I am not a psycho!) that tell me “I can’t”.
38. Just thinking about running one makes me SO happy. I can just imagine what finishing one would feel like.
39. It wouldn’t matter so much that I am slow. There is a whole bunch of pride just in finishing.
40. This quote says it all (although I have no idea who Mike Ness is!): "Reach for the sky because tomorrow may never come."- Mike Ness
One last shout out to all the marathoners reading this: Great job on accomplishing this amazing goal. I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you!
Long Treadmill Workout
7 hours ago
1 comment:
My goal is also to run a marathon in 2009... I am aiming for the Philadlephia Marathon in November.
I checked out the training plan you linked to because I am still looking for one, but I notice there is really no taper before the race. I do like the gradual buildup of miles though.
Check out my running blog... I will be updating it a lot while I become a better runner.
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