Sunday, November 23, 2008


Is it the new template of this blog that is making the pictures so big? I never had any problems on my old blogger template? Can templates do that: magically change the size of pictures?

I really don't know if templates can do that or not. Either way, I am keeping this template. It is a lot nicer than my previous template, and it is about 10X nicer than my original blog template.

I like blue. Blue is my favorite color. This template has lots of blue...

...and huge pictures. I'm not too crazy about the huge pictures (as you can tell... this is my second post about the issue).

Maybe I shouldn't post pictures on this blog. Then again, pictures make this blog so much prettier. I'll put a poll up shortly on the sidebar of my blog and get input about whether or not to keep posting huge pictures onto this blog. I think the more amazing thing than the answers to this poll would be whether or not I get any answers.

I'll be putting up the poll now. If you want to testify that this blog is not pathetic and that people actually read it, cast your vote. You could be the decider of the way pictures get loaded onto this blog (Wouldn't that decision make you feel important? should.)

Go on now! Vote!

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