Friday, May 23, 2008

One year ago

I was just thinking about what I was doing one year ago today. I thought about this because they were metioning it on one of the triathlon fourms I like to look at. I realized I came pretty far in a year!
This is what I realized:
A year ago, I was not yet a triathlon finisher. Now I have finished four.
A year ago, I was just signing up with the recreational swim team that I used to be a part of in the summer. I wan't even working out yet. I am now on a more competitive year-round swim team.

A year ago, I thought swimming a mile was hard work. Now I can easily swim 5,000 yards.

I used to swim a 50 meter sprint in 38 seconds. Now I can do it in 35.

I used to barely be able to run a mile. Now I can run 8 without stopping.

I used to not even know how to work the gears on my too-small bike. Now I have a good fitting bike (not a fancy one, still a mountain bike you can find at Wal-Mart) and can ride (slowly) up to 3 hours.

One year to date, I knew about triathlons, found a race that looked intresting, and though I wouldn't start working out and training untill June, I was woundering "what if..."

Where were you one year ago?

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