Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Independent-Tris and other ramblings

Dear Blogger,

It is a very nice day out again today. it is about 75 degrees. I am very much looking forward to the OSU triathlon May 4. It is now official. My mom even picked out the hotel rooms. This time she actually booked 2 rooms, giving me my very own hotel room. I am spoiled!
This is awesome because dad's snoring and the TV running untill late at night mean I never get any sleep when I share a hotel room with my parents. Now I get a good night's sleep before the triathlon. I guess mom just got sick of the complaining.

I am so excited for summer! I am really eager to try out the Independent-Tri idea. I am hoping to to one this Saturday at the gym. If i can't get to the gym, I will make it an Independent- Du (run, bike, run).

Ways an Independent-Tri is different form a triathlon:

1. I can do them when ever I want

2. I can do them where ever I want

3. They don't cost anything

4. There are no other competitors (no 100,000 "on your lefts" on the bike- also no motivation to sprint to try to catch a 10-year old on the run!)

5. No t-Shirts or any other freebies

6. I don't have to rely on anyone to take me to an Independent-tri (except if I want to go to the gym)

7. I can pick the distances ("lengthen the swim?" you ask. I'm already ahead of you!)

8. It's less official :(

Ways an Independent-Tri is different from a workout:

1. it will be timed

2. I'll go as fast as I can

3. I will plan for the Independent-Tri at least a day ahead of time

4. It will be in the format of an official triathlon

5. It will usally be longer then the average workout

P.S. I just had the most IMPOSSIBLE math test today! I understood how to do most of the problems, but it took forever and I'm not sure how many problems I got right. I'll find out my grade soon. I hope he adds a curve to the test. I really want an "A" . I need an "A" average this quarter so I can exempt the final exam! I don't want to take the final exam in math. Finals in math always take 10+ hours to study for. Ugh!

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